The early days of motoring in Southern Rhodesia were often hard work if you left the major cities and ventured into long-distance travel. Apart from the fact that the roads to the outlying districts were merely tracks, dusty in the dry season and muddy in the rainy season. Whether dry or rainy weather, problems nearly alway arose crossing the many rivers in your path. In those days there were no bridges across any rivers. In the dry season, the loose sandy river beds, sometimes 100 meters or more wide would get your car stuck in the sand and you might end up walking for many miles to the nearest farm and ask for assistance. The farmer would usually come to your aid with a team of oxen to pull you across. If the river crossing was made fairly often, dry wood and branches laid on the sandy bed might get your vehicle across without needing further assistance. The only problem left then was trying to get up the always steep embankment on the other side. In the rainy season, with the rivers in full flood, your journey could be delayed by hours, days or even weeks, if the rain persisted. Can you assist in identifying the cars in the pictures?